Our Adult Taekwondo program is one of the most systematic martial arts curriculum with focus on learning abilities for the adult mentality. It encompasses more than physical skills. We teach you ways of enhancing your spirit and life through training your body and mind.

So what are the benefits our Adult Taekwondo program?

You Will Have Fun

Taekwondo is a sport that can also be a lot of fun. Focus on yourself, and allow it to be a time for you to relax and let loose. It is inevitable that you will make friends and have a good time while reaching for your goals.

Total Body Workout

Most martial arts consists of a cardiovascular workout that uses almost every muscle group in the body, Taekwondo is no exception. Regardless of your fitness level, your endurance, flexibility, balance, and strength will all improve by participating in our classes.

Stress Management and Relief

As adults, the amount of factors that contribute to stress are enormous and contribute to many illnesses. Exercise is one of the best ways to combat high stress levels. Focus and meditation are huge aspects of our curriculum, and being able to set aside one hour, 2-4 times per week will help to eliminate your stress load.

One aspect of martial arts is kicking, punching and yelling. What better way to release your stress than doing those things in a place where it is not only acceptable, but encouraged. Being able to release any built up anger or emotions is great for stress relief regardless of your age. In addition, Martial Arts has been known as a way of stress relief and meditation for 1000’s of years.

Weight Management

Due to the amount of calories burned in our classes, you will be able to easily keep your weight down. Not only that, but it is much easier to lose weight or keep it off when exercising in a fun and motivating environment. You are not focused on when it will be over because of the physical strain that most exercises entail, you are focused on learning something new, putting it all together, effectively executing, and overall improvement. Exercise is undercover.

Learn Self-Defense Skills

Knowing how to defend oneself is extremely important. Whether going to the store, hanging out with friends, or taking your kids to the park, everyone needs to feel confident they can protect themselves and the ones most important to them. Our program will systematically teach you the needed skills to feel that empowerment. So not only will you learn something new, but you will also learn useful skills that you can use to protect yourself and those around you.

Increased Concentration

From learning new and advancing technique, combinations and routines, concepts and philosophies, your mind is always at work. Learning the details of a new technique keeps your mind and body in sync. Putting the moves together and learning combinations and routines (forms) will help improve your memorization skills. Learning and applying concepts and philosophies will forever keep your mind focused. All of this will help your concentration with activities off the mat at work, home, and socially.

Increased Self-Confidence

Many adults struggle with self-confidence, and this is one of the most important benefits involved with Taekwondo. The atmosphere of our class is an atmosphere of teamwork, setting goals, positive encouragement, and respect for others.

When you feel supported in a situation that is beyond your comfort zone, your confidence becomes increased in every aspect of life. You will realize you can accomplish anything if you put hard work and effort into it. This improved skill will help you succeed on and off the mat.


You will naturally become more flexible through the stretches and exercises incorporated into the program. This will help you avoid injury, develop balance, keep your joints healthy as well as increase blood flow. Although you may not be able to drop into the splits yet, you will definitely see an increase in flexibility.


On average, the goal of attaining a Black Belt takes around 3 years to achieve. By achieving something over a period of time, this gives you, as an adult, great self-confidence that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Every stripe is encouragement, every belt along the way is an accomplishment. Small steps along the way to the ultimate goal fuels your desire to achieve that fulfillment.


As adults, often socialization is thrown to the back burner. By participating in our Adult Taekwondo program, you will have the opportunity to socialize in a healthy environment and have fun with others who have set a common goal. You will always have the opportunity to meet new and diverse people.

Growing Family Bonds

If both you and your child(ren)take class, it is a great opportunity to bond. Not only will you be able to help one another, but you can practice and stretch together at home as well, promoting a healthy lifestyle. It is something you will have in common to stay connected and strengthen your relationships.

Two Week Free Trial!

Most Martial Arts schools limit new students to one free trial class. We offer new students a two week risk-free trial that includes a free uniform and unlimited access to all of our beginner group classes. We’re confident that the curriculum, the camaraderie, and quality of the instruction will exceed all your expectations. If that’s not the case, just let us know, and we will never charge you a penny (all we ask is that you return the free uniform that we provide you). To take advantage of our two week free trial, simply click the image below, and we’ll schedule your first class today!