College Prep Self Defense Boot Camp

June 11,13,18,20

9:00 am-11:00 am


In this class for high school and college aged females we will learn:

- How to thwart potential attacks by making yourself a “hard target”

- How to break free from an attacker who grabs you without warning

- How to avoid being taken to the ground by a determined attacker

- How to escape from underneath an attacker pinning you on the ground

Limited spaces are available, register early to reserve your spot!

Students should wear comfortable, athletic style clothing .

This 8 hour Boot Camp is broken into four sessions of two hours each. It is designed for high school junior and senior girls as well as college females who are living or preparing to live away from the protections of home. We will cover essential mindsets and awareness. We will also train techniques and strategies for situations ranging from someone speaking or touching inappropriately to a physical and/or sexual assault.

If the sessions do not fit your schedule, please inquire about private lessons.